DATABOSS was established with the mission of producing domestic and national solutions of world-class quality to meet all kinds of needs in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technology, primarily for our country, including the defense industry.

As a high-tech initiative affiliated with the Presidency of Defense Industries of the Republic of Turkey (SSTEK Inc.), which has an experienced team and separate academic research and product development units, DATABOSS has developed many state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and big data systems in its field.

In the field of Artificial Intelligence;
Anomaly Detection Solutions
Natural Language Processing Solutions
RL-Based Autonomous Systems
Cybersecurity Solutions
Computer Vision Solutions
Space-Time Forecasting Solutions

In the field of Big Data;
Real-Time HPC Solutions
Distributed Scalable Cloud/On-Premises Solutions
Big Data Analysis and Visualization Solutions
Real-Time Data Stream Solutions
Big Data Management Infrastructure
Operating in the Container and Kubernetes Technologies.

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