Page 12 - SSTEK KATALOG 2024 EN
P. 12


          Under the ausp ces of the Pres dency of the Republ c of Türk ye, Pres dency of
          Defense Industr es (SSB), and the leadersh p of SSTEK Savunma Sanay  Teknoloj ler
          Inc., The Innovat ve and Advanced Technolog es Fund was launched on September 8,
          2021  n partnersh p w th Vakıf Katılım Inc., Z raat Katılım Bank Inc., and Development
          Investment Bank Of Türk ye Inc.

          The a m of th s fund  s not only to reduce the dependence of our defense  ndustry on
          fore gn sources but also to support  nnovat ve technolog es, known as deep
          Technolog es, and young entrepreneurs. Add t onally, venture cap tal funds and
          s m lar collect ve  nvestment  nstruments w ll greatly contr bute to susta nab l ty  n
          both the defense  ndustry and advanced technology  nvestments. The fund,
          establ shed  n accordance w th the Cap tal Markets Leg slat on,  s set up by Kalkınma
          Verture Cap tal Portfol o Management Inc., a subs d ary of Development Investment
          Bank Of Türk ye Inc. SSTEK Savunma Sanay  Teknoloj ler  Inc.,  s the new  nvestor of
          the fund. SSTEK supports the establ shment of new compan es or partnersh ps w th
          ex st ng compan es to develop and produce cr t cal technolog es for nat onal defense.
          The Innovat ve and Advanced Technolog es Fund,  n wh ch SSTEK and Part c pat on
          F nance Inst tut ons are the ma n  nvestors,  s establ shed and managed by Kalkınma
          G r ş m Sermayes  Portföy Yönet m  Inc.  n accordance w th Part c pat on F nance
          pr nc ples, regulat ons of the Cap tal Markets Board (SPK). The fund's  nvestment
          comm ttee cons sts of 4 representat ves from SSTEK and 3 representat ves from
          Kalkınma G r ş m Sermayes  Portföy Yönet m  Inc. S nce the fund does not have legal
          personal ty, dec s ons are made by the  nvestment comm ttee. The  nvestors  n the
          fund, apart from SSTEK, are Vakıf Katılım Inc., Development Investment Bank Of
          Türk ye Inc., and Z raat Katılım Bank Inc.  n order of the r  nvestment s zes.

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